Salamander Meander 2024

Registration is full.

Witness the annual natural phenomena of the dance of the yellow-spotted salamander. You are invited to join staff members at the heart-shaped pond, in Hemlock Ravine Park, to learn about salamanders and observe these mysterious creatures in their natural habitat. This event will take place on a wet night in April - we must wait for the salamanders to come out! Participants will be contacted the day before the outing.

Follow the Salamander Meander on our InstagramTwitter, and Facebook.

Spring Nature Activities


Nature comes to life in the Spring. Making it a fantastic time to explore to natural world around you! This SPRINGO Scavenger Hunt can help you make observations using your senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste) and you can have fun learning a little Gaelic.

SPRINGO Scavenger Hunt 

Bird watching checklist

Looking for birds and listening for their songs is a great activity you can do in the woods or in the city. We made a bird checklist to get you started. Try saying their names in Mi'kmaw, French and Gaelic.

Bird checklist (PDF1.4 mB)

Nature Observations

Using natural objects found around the house or in your yard, practice the skills of close observation and recording those observations in notes or drawings.

Observation Station (PDF 131 kB)


Watch the latest Virtual Salamander Meander video and other related videos here