A’tukwaqan – Exploring Storytelling in Mi’kma’kik
Program description
Have a Museum Interpreter join your classroom! Explore the role of storytelling in Mi’kmaw culture with this new, virtual school program. Students are introduced to Mi’kmaw vocabulary, the seven sacred teachings, and the importance of oral traditions. Following the program, students will apply what they learn to create their own stories focused on one of the seven sacred teachings.
This program includes the option for a second virtual visit, where students can present their completed stories to the Museum Interpreter.
Curriculum links
Grade 5 Social Studies: Learners will investigate how we learn about the past with a focus on Acadians, African Nova Scotians, Gaelic, Mi’kmaq and additional cultures.
Grade 5 English Language Arts: Learners will use writing and other representations to explore, clarify, and reflect upon thoughts and experiences.
Grade 5 English Language Arts: Learners will create text, independently and collaboratively, using a variety of types of writing for a range of audiences and purposes.
Mi’kmaw Language Curriculum
Culture outcome: Students will demonstrate an understanding of Mi’kmaw values, culture, and customs and practices, using the Mi’kmaw language.
Program length
35-40+ minutes
One class
Technology requirements
Projector, computer, speakers, microphone, and internet connection. A technology test run with Museum staff prior to the live program must be booked a week in advance of the program date.
$75.00 (including optional follow up visit)
- Introduction
- Seven sacred teachings
- Mi’kmaw legend of creation
- Group story development
- Conclusion
Following program, students create their own stories. Classes have the option of booking a return visit with the Museum interpreter to present their stories.
Please contact Liz Spence, at 902-424-6512 or email MNHgroups@novascotia.ca